Monday Training
By Union Watchdesk
August 28, 2023

One Monday 8/28 Union Fire Company No. 1 members got their hands on our saws and practiced vertical ventilation.

Captain Kane built a roof prop which allowed members to simulate the incline and angle of many of the homes in our district.

With guidance from Captain Kelley, Captain Kane, and Lt. Bennett, members worked in teams of two in order to create an inspection hole, cut a 4x4 hole with a Cutters Edge saw or a K12 saw and finally clear the area and simulate clearing any sub ceiling or floor that may be below the roof.

While interior and exterior members worked on vertical ventilation, Chief Engineer Obenchain worked with our Junior members, all of whom are enrolled in the Octorara Homeland Security Program, on pulling and repacking hand lines.

Beautiful night and a great turnout for our weekly Monday night training.