Members graduate from Octorara Homeland Security program
By Union Watchdesk
May 29, 2024

This past Wednesday, Members travelled with Engine 21-1 to the Chester County Public Safety Training Center in South Coatesville to attend the graduation of 3 members from the Octorara Homeland Security and Protective Services Academy.
Congratulations to the following graduates:
Finn Testa
Luis Lopez
Jazmine Avalos

Finn, Jazmine, and Luis have just completed their entry level Firefighter 1 certification.

Finn Testa is our newest certified interior fireman. He joins his brother, Lieutenant August Testa, on the fire floor.

Additionally, Congratulations to the following members that received awards during the ceremony:
Fire cadet of the 4th quarter - Finn Testa
EMS cadet of the year - Lucas Witiak
Chester County Police Chiefs Association Scholarship - Luis Lopez
John Narcise Foundation Scholarship - Jazmine Avalos

Lastly, Congratulations to the following members who completed the EMT portion of the program and are now eligible or have already begun the NREMT testing process:
Jack Obenchain
Liam Shum
Lucas Witiak

Congratulations to these members!

Units: Engine 21-1