Early Tuesday morning, Engine 21-1 was called over the radio to respond to a House Fire in the 200 Block of Oxford Rd in East Nottingham Township. Already being out for another call, the Engine responded right away with a crew of 4. West Grove Station 22, The Community Fire Company of Rising Sun, MD (Cecil Station 8), the Tanker from the Cochranville Fire Company and Lancaster Station 57 for the Rapid Intervention Team were also dispatched to the report of a fire in the Chimney that was spreading to the wall.
Engine 21-1 (Lt Bennett) arrived as the First Due Engine, with the crew stretching a line to the front door. Upon completion of a 360, smoke was seen coming from the eaves, as well as the top of the Chimney and roof area. Captain 21a (Slauch) requested the Working Fire Dispatch and established the Oxford Rd Command. The Engine crew found heat and smoke around the Chimney and began to open up the walls and extinguish the fire.
Ladder 21 (Asst Booth) arrived as the First Due Truck and backed into the driveway. The crew threw ground ladders, ventilated the structure and checked the attic.
Tanker 21 arrived to supply Engine 21-1 and Engine 21-2 took the Second Due Engine assignment, with the crew pulling a second line. Rescue 21 arrived, with members of their crew and Engine 2's crew going to the roof in case additional ventilation was needed.
Fortunately, the fire was contained to the area around the Chimney and the assignment was soon scaled back with all units clear around 2am.
Thank you to all of our members and mutual aid partners for being out late once again on a cold night.
Engine 21-1, Engine 21-2, Ladder 21, Tanker 21, Rescue 21, Deputy 21, Station 21 EMS, Station 21 Fire Police
Mutual Aid:
West Grove, Rising Sun, Cochranville, Quarryville, Medic 94, Fire Marshalls